Tuesday, February 23, 2010

LOST 6x05

Every Star Trek fan knows that the even numbered films are all great, while the odd numbered films...not so much. This pattern was broken by JJ Abrams last year when he released the eleventh, and arguably best Star Trek film to date.

My reason for bringing this up is because it seems that so far the sixth season of Lost is following the exact exact same pattern, with the first hour of the season being the exception.

That hour was mega-awesome.

Tonight's episode was Jack-centric, which should have been a dead giveaway that it would not be as phenomenal as last week's. Some of the worst episodes of the series have been centered around Jack. Remember the season 3 episode "Stranger in a Strange Land", with Bai Ling, the episode devoted to explaining why Jack has so many tattoos? Awful.

Not all was bad in tonight's episode, in fact we got yet another major revelation, and it was a great one.

Awesome moments of the week: Hurley's interactions with Jacob, "Why don't you go back to the courtyard?", THE LIGHTHOUSE!, "Why haven't we seen it before?", "Maybe we weren't looking for it.", "That's not Locke, this is my friend."

And that's really about it.

Least awesome moments of the week: Once again, everything in alternate reality Los Angeles. Especially everything pertaining to Jack and his son. On one hand, I think it's interesting how in this reality Jack has a son. It's yet another example of how we are not simply seeing "what would have happened if the plane hadn't crashed?" But rather, we are seeing how the detonation of Jughead has created an entirely new reality, one in which these characters have lived their lives without the guidance of Jacob. On the other hand, I don't think that the relationship between Jack and his son warrants even a fraction of the time that it was given in tonight's episode. There is so much else that I would rather be seeing.

Where is Charles Widmore? Desmond? Walt?

Next week's episode is an even numbered one, which means that we should all be in for an hour of awesomeness!

Let's hope that they break this cycle, and the season reaches a point where EVERY week has me as excited as last week's episode.

2.5 / 5


  1. I was a huge fan of this episode, for several reasons...mainly because this episode is headier in its implications than the other odd episodes. 1.) The Dark Side of Claire: I submit to you that this is awesome and in need of more than one episode of 'reckoning.' This continues the 'effects of proximity to the island' thread that was explored mainly with Desmond and the french team, potentially the entire flash sideways, and it does not bode well for Sayid. 2.) The Stone Rose: Consider the inside of the Lighthouse and think sub-dimensional on top of the already distorted island structure--like the cabin. The names on the device are ordered, not just numbered, unlike the chaotic scratchings inside the cave. This makes it seem like someplace Jacob spent a lot of time... and also as if he could watch someone no matter what universe they are in. 3.) Jack's appendix: Sure, you're thinking why not Jack's spleen, but, according to his mother, at a young age: meaning in the late 70's...a young Jack collapsed and needed to instantly have an appendectomy. This seems fairly inexplicable unless of course you take into consideration that the atomic bomb initiated this universe, yet restricted their bodies to the original timeline...but I'm thinking it did successfully transmit something in the chaos of the bomb.

  2. Well put, Drook. Opposing view points are always welcome here. I actually agree with everything you're saying as well. It's just that for me...well...take a long hard look at that picture of Jack above...
